Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Down in the woods…

17 lucky children from Roydon Primary School are taking part in six Forest School sessions on Friday afternoons in the woodland at Roydon Fen.  They will learn new skills, like fire lighting and using tools, they get to be creative, they learn about the environment around them and have lots of opportunities for working together as a team.

Forest School helps children to learn to be resilient and to persevere; it boosts their confidence as they succeed at new and exciting challenges and they get heaps of exercise which helps with fitness and agility, all whilst having lots of fun.


  1. You are having a good time at forist school

  2. Thank you for leaving a comment, Thomas. I am so pleased that you found Mrs Lamb's new blog on our website - well done you!

  3. Nice idea about this forest school thing , shame it wasn't introduced last year

  4. Hello Alfie. Thanks for looking at our new blog, and for giving us some feedback. It's great to know you haven't forgotten us! You are right that it is a shame we haven't done this before. Mrs Lamb is carrying out this project as part of her Forest Schools qualification. I hope that we will be able to do more Forest Schools activities in the future. Guess you could have told them how heavily it was going to rain in Week 1!! Trust all is well in the big wide world beyond Roydon Primary School. Do keep in touch. Love, Mrs B.
